Hi again ladies...well this blog is NOT going to be about food...cooking etc etc...!!
OKEY DOKEY...I am kind of heading away again on friday to visit MR NO 1 son in qld....(i dont mean that like he is number one...BUT just that he is the FIRST BORN!! OMG..NO 2 is equally NO 1...but he came 2nd in the scheme of things...does this make sense??)...
whilst ... yes whilst cleaning today...(something different for a change)!!...BUT honestly...the top part of my house where I keep my ebay stuff etc is LIKE A TIME BOMB!! wont show photos ..... as that would be tooooo boring just looking at MESS!
Anyway...whilst going through some mags which i thought i would list before my sojourn away!! found an OLD australian COUNTRY LOOKS mag...(photographed it to include in my listing )...
and whilst flicking through the pages to photo a nice shabby chicey page...
OMG...FOUND MY MUMS LAUNDRY from her house...which was obviously featured in this issue...(some 14 yrs ago)...
KNEW I kept this mag for some reason...
OKAY...then remembered ..when I had my shop some 150 yrs ago!! I had the mags ring me for ideas etc (that is how it worked)!!...
and I have included some photos (sorry a bit blurred)...of images that were in magazines...newspapers etc about "the boys rooms"..."boys bathrooms"...me & my golliwogs...etc etc.
It is soo funny looking at these images...eg..BYRONS room was covered in wallpaper...swaggy curtains..antique bed/desk/chest of drawers...he loved it as a kid...BUT oh MY how it has now changed to modern etc...
I have these articles framed around the place..BUT you kind of FORGET about it all...until something triggers a memory..
so thought may be interesting for you to see..
PLUS I came across this gorgeous "GRANDPARENTS invitation card" BYRON did when he was 10 yo..(now 22)...AND IT SUMS UP BOTH MY parents/his grandparents perfectly..
MUM/NANNY is shopping at her fav TOORAK store...saying I will buy that with a price tag of $350.00 (jeez byron that was a cheapie!!)...
BUT with my gorgeous dad swimming his 400...yes 400 LAPS per morning..!!!(not quite 400....but he still swims 3 kms EVERY morning..at 85 yo!!)...
how funny/cute/perceptive is all that...actually kind of summing up my mum & dad in one little card at 10 yrs old...MUM the shopaholic...DAD the fitness guru!!
although I must say...mum is as fit as a fiddle & a year older than dad!!!
anyway....NO more posts until end of next week!!
xx andrea