Hi ladies...well i am breaking my promise about doing another blog...!! BUT am still home alone..until tomorrow....
AND look...honestly at nearly 52 yo...and with MY PAST LIFE!! so to speak...I really shouldnt get scared being home alone (especially as I have sooty literally attached to my hip 24/7!!)...
AND i was fine .... up until last night...about 8.00 pm the phone rang...answered it..and immediately it hung up....(rang the missed call star 10 hatch or whatever...but said "no answered call registered)...not too worried as it was still light ...
so when I went to go to bed...and leave lights on downstairs...NONE of them would work/turn on....MMM okay...looked at the switchboard but wouldnt know what was what!!
okay...went to bed...and at 11.15 pm the phone rang,...answered and no one there again!! OKAY..that was it..!!
I figured someone was out there to get me?? SOO I put the ABC radio on ALL NIGHt AND LISTENED TO THE CRICKET FROM STH AFRICA..luckily I love the cricket...!!!
and then of course when light appeared...morning dawned...I thought what an IDIOT i am!!
with light one SEEMS TO get all confidence Back...HOW funny is that??(as actually most crimes re home intrusion etc occur during DAYTIME)!!
SOO!! in darkness & home alone in a big house...I became a really scaredy cat!!
and I hate being like that...am I normal?? do any of you other ladies get scared if left alone?
and of course the phone call was from my hubby in darwin...problem with his phone..and forgot the 90 minute time difference...
OH well...I actually went out shopping yesterday afternoon and bought two stretchy canvas...sewn images...from SPOTLIGHT of all places...(per photos)..
I have placed them near and above my piano in our lounge room....I really like them...add a bit of MORE red to my room...matching the rug...)..
this room is NOT SHABBY...with a house full of boys!!
as the adjacent room is all chocolate brown..red...alphabet letters..in red...& black etc...soo i think they are a nice little addition!! and at a very CHEAP price..
whilst typing this...I often have a sliding window half open to let the air circulate...but today it is closed as the air conditioning is on...BUT alas..a dog has barked outside...and SOOTY has forgotten that this window is closed...
OOOOOHHH HE went to jump through it onto the balcony...head butted it with a great force...POOR darling....!! I have given him a good cuddle/massaged his head...
that is the photo of him just after his jumping attempt!! HE LOOKS A BIT sad!
he seems good..shall give him a smacko!!!
okay...NO more posts until next week!!! PROMISE...AS off to meet BOTH my BOYS coming home!! YES!! byron is BACK in OZ after 6 months away!!xxxx
xxxx andrea