Hi again everyone..
Oh you are probably tired of my blogging...gone a bit over the top re posts lately..
BUT... I just wanted to relate what I did when I found LAST year's AUST COUNTRY STYLE diary tucked away in a bookcase...
great place to store a diary.???...WHICH of course I never used!!
BUT I LOVE MOST of the pictures...
So have torn out ONES that I ADORE..
then blu tacked them onto my painted blackboard in my kitchen.....
SOO every time i walk past...I see these lovely images..which NOT only inspire me...BUT bring a NICE smile to my face as they are just soo lovely!!
(and they are NOT permanent...but there for as long AS I like)...
(i only use the blackboard for special occasions re a message..the last being the HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY greeting../or when Byron comes home..birthdays etc etc.. ...)..
soo I am loving this little feature...
PLUS whilst looking at some of these photos.....kind of looked around my kitchen and found things I had done which kind of emulate these photos...?
subliminal?? is that the word?? whatever..
have a great week....(PROMISE will not blog for a few days at least!!)...
photos out of sequence AGAIN! (the more i try to drag & paste.....OUCH..the worse it gets...But hope you get my drift!!?)....
xx andrea