Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello ladies..It is a totally SPECTACULAR day here in Melbourne today especially with THE COX PLATE being run at Moonee Valley
this shall be interesting to watch the fashions ladies shall be wearing..
OKAY i am NOT going to the races & with hubby away & No 2 son working at his part time job..
MY dilemma was to go flea junk market hunting?? list my ebay stuff?? or CLEAN??

MMM!!! 3 guesses what I chose...YES CLEAN...

My house has been in such a mess..figured if i just give it a very quick clean...then can list some ebay stuff this arvo..I will feel I really DONT NEED TO BUY MORE STUFF!!!!

SOOO I have been ripping through it...HAIR UP...daggy little smock on..& its been NON stop...
christians bathroom/ hall..shifted HIS drums around...back computer room...
My little ebay table!!

I still havent done the upstairs back part of my house yet...maybe tomorrow!!

But thought I would show you some photos...I often get asked what my house is like as I sell shabby kind of stuff...WELL with a house full of MEN...shabby WOULDNT cut it!!!

SOO i like to think it is a TOTAL eclectic MIX of stuff...with my shabby little haven in my previous posts re my ebay room..!!

anyway....back to the last of the ironing...THEN EBAY!!!!!!!!!!

xx andrea


My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

Oh wow Andrea you honestly put me to shame your home is beautiful even more so because it is sooooo clean. Hoping you are having a great weekend.

Lyn xxx

Pineapple Villa said...

Oh do you want to come over here and help me? I seem to run around in circles trying to do this and not getting anywhere fast. it must feel sooo good - relax tomorrow though, Mel xxx

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Andrea,
Ah, your home is beautiful.
Always feels good after a healthy clean as well.

How funny, I think us gals that live with a home full of guys like pretty things.

Uh, I have a drum kit at my house as well. Great for frustrated teenage boys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea,
Your house looks fabulous! You certainly have been a busy bee. I can relate to the hair up/back thing & the daggy clothes. I usually chuck a strechy head band in & a pair of comfy trackies & top & off I go (then the kids come home & it's back to square one!!!)
Hope you are having a relaxing day today though.

Pauline said...

your house looks awesome Andrea..can you come clean mine now pleeeeeeeasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessee
you put me to shame...oh I dont have a drum kit but I do have uggggggghhhhhhh wait for it..........
xbox!!!!!!!!!! omg..wayyyy to much testosterone here for me..all power to