Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hi ladies...thought i would do a blog featuring my gorgeous 86 yo (nearly 87 yo mums house...and DADS of course)...

Mum & I & DAD of course!!! built this CUTE little two storey replica VICTORIANA some 15 years ago??

Way back then...mum & I were right into "VICTORIANA"...ANTIQUES...& MORE ANTIQUES...
I had my gift shop...with all my yummy goodies displayed on LOTS of antique furniture..

MUM had her art gallery upstairs featuring her favourite artist of the time...(per the 5th / 6th photos..."GERARD LANTS"...he depicted Victoriana women in various styles.....I have a HOUSE with lots of his paintings...they are actually very calming...

plus MUM has her house kind of FULL of them!!...

Soo this house is decorated with quite OVER the TOP fixtures...

light fittings...chandeliers in the toilet...with the heavy rose featured wallpaper....matching curtains..
Even the laundry has a kind of over the top light fitting...floral curtains with cream lace either side...
Rooms feature heavy duty RICH RAW silk curtains...swags..

the kitchen has beautiful architecural detailing...with the cabinets FULL of mums gorgeous MARY GREGORY...& other goodies.
(this is just a tiny snippet of mums house...but i think you get the drift!!)...
I LOVE the fact that MUM at nearly 87 yo...LOVES her house....FULL of her treasures...which she is always changing around....
AND it has a style which is really JUST HER!!

soo have just shown some photos of my MUMS HOUSE...
SOO in effect....I was into ALL this...BUT have toned down my house to be a bit more Practical/user friendly....should i say???
a bit more modern...with a LOT more FRENCH influence....
SOO I love mums house....she LOVES mine...

and are we ever satisfied..??? NO!! Mum always wants to repaint/re arrange her stuff....
WELL maybe I am wrong...maybe daughter is like MUM after all??? MMMMM!!
have a lovely weekend everyone..

xx andrea


Anonymous said...

Goodevening Miss Andrea,
I loved the pics of your mum & dads house, thanks for sharing. You know the one part of your post that got me (in a great way) was that you said her home was decorated in a style that was just her, & I love that. So many people decorate their homes to reflect what features they love in other folks homes that their own homes start to loose the indivuality of those living in them. Your mum has great style & taste & I love the fact she is still 'moving' things to get them just right. Tell her to keep it up!
~S~ xxx

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh wow!!
Look at that wallpaper.
Everything looks lovely,How great that your Parents till have and keep a Beautiful home at their age.
I must add my Grandparents do too...But often peoples homes seem to get left to become old as they age.
Obviously your Mums natural flair for style and Finesse comes through in her home too!
They sound like a wonderful couple

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Now there's a woman with plenty of style. Good on her for still taking such pride in her home.
Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your mums house Andrea.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Gail McCormack said...

Goodness Andrea I love your Mum and Dad's style!! A bit hard to explain, yet I think you know what I'm getting at...don't we sort of absorb any sort of decorating which has been done around us all through our lives ... I could write a book about the influences my Old Aunties where to me ~ I wonder if our kids and grandkids will think the same of us??

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Andrea,
Oh, gosh, you Mum still has it, doesn't she.
These pictures are fantastic, some look like they are straight out of a magazine.
I'm glad you're her daughter when she needs help to dust and clean all those pretty pieces. lol

Byron said...

Very stylish indeed. What a great house, shows that it was built and furnished with the care and attention that a house deserves! Keep up the interesting blogs!

our shabby cottage said...

Wow, it looks like i could spend hours at her place just looking at everything! I think you do have some of your Mum in you - just a bit!!!

Country Wishes said...

OMG what a gorgeous house full of fabulous treasures... I just love the love seat!! And the chintz wallpaper is gorgeous...

Lucinda Obrien said...

Wow I hope I can share my love of homes with my daughters when I am 86.Is'nt it great too see that just because you get older doesnt mean you have to give up rearranging things heeeheee

Alison Gibbs said...

Mmmm... defintely in the genes.
Looks great

abeachcottage said...

wow i can just imagine having a little snoop around and then a cup of tea in a vintage cup!
