Well it is Saturday..and with hubby away...I either tend to get into a MODE of doing EBAY all day....OR CLEANING....AND today I have shifted/changed/brought in new stuff....re MY KITCHEN...
I am giving it a GOOD spring clean...as it seems to get sooo dirty....sooo quickly...
PLUS I was tired of my arrangement on the furniture re plates/photos etc..
I went to my local gift shop and bought a few nice NEW white modern frames...and of course a photo i HAVE had on my fridge for ages of SOOTY was the FIRST to find his new home in one of these frames....
also bought some nice simple white placemats....
I bought lots of jonquils....(they along with lavender and sunflowers ARE MY FAVOURITE FLOWERS...of course I love roses as well...BUT i just have this THING for FRANCE..and of course the first two flowers are quite synonomous with france)......
I also bought some lovely and quite dainty pale pink gerberas...I have them scattered individually in little glass votives along my kitchen window...
So i am having a nice day...changing my kitchen around...and kind of re living my days when I had a gift shop and was continually changing my displays,..,..I guess OLD habits are difficult to change!!!!!!
put some photos up of my kitchen......feel free to comment one way or another!!