Some time ago I did several posts on "new" shops which had opened up in my little corner of the world.
Sadly, some have now closed down but others have opened and I am delighted to showcase some photos of the latest NEW shop which has begun trading...
"EMBRACE, love & happiness" is a totally breathtaking little boutique shop opened by a very "old" friend of mine....Gina McVicar.
In fact, many a year ago, both Gina & I had retail shops virtually sitting side by side in our little bayside village...
Gina's was the beautiful garden themed shop...whilst mine was the gift/interiors/golliwog specialist shop..
We happily traded for approximately 10 - 12 years before we both decided there was life after retail!!!
ALAS, Gina has decided there IS life in retail again.!!!
She has opened a beautiful boutique themed shop....specialising in soaps/candles and lots of other delightful goodies to excite your senses..
Far TOO many brands to list~~~
Her knack in creating the MOST GORGEOUS displays flows easily for her..
So please visit this beautifully presented store FULL of amazing goodies if you are lucky enough to visit our little bayside village~~~(website coming soon)...
55 Ferguson St, Williamstown VIC 3016
(03) 9399 8880
x andrea