Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hello ladies...

well lucky I did have my pedicure last week so as my toes looked nice for the treament I have had to receive with my injury yesterday at tennis...

very bad..swollen...sore .. . sprained ANKLE...OUCH!!!!

xx andrea


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh Dear...Would you call this look Shabby Mummy?...
You poor thing and so hot too to be all bundled up!
Rest Up and Get well soon

Paint Me White said...

Andrea as soon as I saw that bandage I thought tennis related. Nothing worse than a sprained ankle - oh the swelling and brusing will be painful. Put your feet up and let hubby take care of you. Sandy x

Ange said...

Oh Andrea, you poor thing...that's why I sit at the computer all day blogging, there's less risk of injury!
Hope it heals up quickly.

Gail McCormack said...

Oh goodness me!
No tennis for you for a little while
Prop yourself up with Sooty and take advantage of some quiet time!


Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

oh no Andrea, thats terrible, how will you survive without your tennis?!!! At least your toes look lovely. I'm playing ladies comp tomorrow in the heat so at least you are not going to melt! Which amazing shot were you going for when your ankle gave out?
Get better soon.

S said...

Oh you poor thing! I hope you get better soon Andrea.


our shabby cottage said...

Oh, you poor thing - so no tennis for a while then! Your toes look gorgeous by the way! Hope it feels better soon.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

There's always an upside to every bad situation Andrea... imagne if you hadn't had the pedicure. You'd be sitting there all bandaged up AND with less than perfect toes. At least you have pretty pink toe neals and you can show them off. LOL

Seriously, I hope your swelling goes really quickly so you can get those hot bandages off.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

mariondee-designs said...

Hi Andrea, well that's no good, hope they're serving you hand and foot.. yeh right! Hope you get better soon,take care, Maryann