Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi ladies...well i went out yesterday and purchased my new little digital camera which i need for my ebay listings...let along BLOGGING!!

It is a great little CANON number and only cost $200.00...including my cute little pink carry case and a memory card..

BUT I do hate to admit I just LOATHE having to learn how to use a new camera...with much more modern technology than my older one of just some 2 odd years ago..

I HATE reading manuals...I hate new buttons..I LIKE what I know...GGGRRRR!!!

anyway..have been taking between ringing hubby to ask a question or TWO OR TEN!!! of course the MANS response is READ THE MANUAL!!!

SOO I DID!! or tried too in between pressing buttons galore..I think that is half my problem...I JUST KEEP PRESSING BUTTONS AD NAUSEUM!!! AND think that WILL make it work???>

IS IT JUST ME??? or are you ladies like minded??

I have listed some new things on EBAY...showing you the piccs...NOT TOO BAD!!

sort of getting there...BUT NOT REaLLY sure HOW??? maybe pressing EVERY button is the ANSWER??????????

ps...HAPPY 87 TH BIRTHDAY MUM!!!!!!!!

xx andrea


S said...

Happy Birthday to your Mum!

I totally agree with you on the camera thing...I too hate getting to know all the bits and pieces that goe with it. I NEVER read the manual! lol

Siobhan :)

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Hee,hee..You and my hubby have something very much in common!
I read He presses!

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Andrea, maybe you will have to wait for Christian to show you what to do with the camera

our shabby cottage said...

You should take my husbands advice and not read the instructions as "they are mearly the manufacturers opinion of how something works!" And, he is usually right - just have a play around with it!

the old boathouse said...

Hi, We must be in the same bermuda triangle, lol..I have just bought a new camera too for the same purpose and even though I bought the same brand as my last one they still manage to change them..very frustrating. At least it was an excuse for me for a few days not to have to do ebay stuff, cheers Katherine

Pineapple Villa said...

oh Gosh Andrea - you are the same as me. we bought a lovely new camera over a year ago and do you think i have worked it out properly (other than the very basics?)..NO. I dont even KNOW where the manual is now so that is scary. Mel xxx

Ange said...

I sure am having a giggle reading your post Andrea, and all the hubby bought me a fancy camera when he was in Holland recently as a Christmas pressy and said I can have it now if I want it. I REALLY need it but am soooo not looking forward to getting to "know" it that I have said "no" He can't believe it as I keep going on about how useless my current camera is! Just delaying the inevitable.
We are in NZ for 4 weeks.I'm looking forward to some cooler weather.